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Industries - Diverse in the Extreme

Before we go into the subtleties of each industry, whatever the consignment – everything starts with six, basic components.

The length, width, height and weight of each piece – plus the collection and delivery points.

Some consignments are a single piece, others run to several hundred pieces, occasionally thousands.

Some are a single collection point, others are multiple collection and delivery points.

Some are urgent, others are not quite so urgent.

Some are fragile, others are more robust etc.

Whatever the industry, everything has to be taken into consideration – even what might seem the most inconsequential element, could have a bearing on the ultimate success of the project.


Specialist transport Aircraft & Aerospace

Aircraft & Aerospace

With any movement involving aircraft components, the first question we always ask is whether the item in question will ever take to…

Specialist Transport Brewing & Bottling 3

Brewing and Bottling

Over time, the Brewing and Bottling industry has changed beyond recognition. In the early years, large breweries were the order of the…

Specialist Transport Buildings 1


It has to be admitted that STG have yet to be asked to move a complete building, something perhaps for the future.…

Specialist Transport Construction Equipment 1

Construction Equipment

We make no excuse for the fact that, pre STG, several members of the team “cut their teeth” on the movement of…

Specialist transport electrical industry 1


Over the years, STG has been involved in cargo with an electrical association – from the smallest generator to the largest transformer.…

Specialist transport engineering sector 1


Disregarding electrical engineering, as described above – engineering is an expression that covers a multitude of industries. We make a start with…

Specialist transport exhibitions 5


With exhibitions, two issues are critical. Firstly, arriving on time, precisely to correspond with the allotted slot – not an hour early,…

Specialist transport film & artworks 1

Film & Artworks

Lights – Camera – Action The film industry, like many others, can be extremely demanding. There are actors, extras, camera and lighting…

Specialist Transport Manufacturing Industry 5


Although the word manufacture embraces a whole range of industries, for the moment, we’ll concentrate on just the one – car manufacture.…

Specialist Transport Maritime Sector 2


An all-embracing term, covering anything and everything associated with ships and the sea. It could be ships stabilisers, lifeboats with flares (hazardous),…

Specialist Transport Military Sector 5


For many years, STG has worked with the various military agencies – MOD, USAF, NATO etc. Thankfully, in the main, this has…

Specialist Transport Plastics Industry 2


Nowadays, most products contain one or more components manufactured from plastic. It could be anything from a modest switch, to a car…

Specialist Transport Refineries 2


Over the years, STG has delivered to many of the major refineries, both in the UK and Europe – Fawley, Shellhaven, Immingham…

Specialist Transport Research Sector 1


A slightly ambiguous term – covering a vast range of topics. In one area, observatories, perched on the top of a mountain…

Specialist Transport London Eye 1

The London Eye

Although it took place over twenty five years ago, The London Eye remains “the jewel in the crown” for STG. When we…

Specialist Transport Wind Solar 1

Wind & Solar

The very first inkling of the emergence of wind power started with STG over twenty five years ago. A company in Denmark…

Specialist transport other sectors 1


When we first started thinking about this section of our website, we rapidly came to the conclusion that it was impossible to…
