Over time, the Brewing and Bottling industry has changed beyond recognition. In the early years, large breweries were the order of the day – STG having made deliveries to John Smiths Tadcaster, Tennents Glasgow and Heineken Manchester – amongst many others.
Further afield, other projects where STG have taken part include breweries at Ivanovo, north east of Moscow, Lezajsk in Eastern Poland and the St James brewery (Guinness) in Dublin. In each case, the cargo originated in the UK, Belgium and Italy.
Many have involved every aspect of the brewery industry – not only brewery vessels but also bottling carousels, pasteurisers, palletisers, labellers, mash tuns etc. On some occasions, it is just the one item – on others, the complete production line.
In more recent times, craft beers have come to the fore – perhaps our favourite project being the Adnams brewery at Southwold, where the new plant originated in Germany. Strangely enough, the most challenging part was the last few miles, along the A1095, from the junction with the A12 – not only was traffic management involved (no oncoming traffic) but the removal of low hanging, tree branches.
These remarks apply not only to breweries but also soft drink manufacture – including CocaCola (China) and Schweppes (Russia).