Health & Safety
It is the policy of STG (Projects) Ltd – The Specialist Transport Group – to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and the protection of others not in its employ. The company recognises its statutory obligations to maintain standards of safety for all its employees in every aspect of their work in relation to equipment and workplaces, and for continually maintaining its initiative to ensure that these obligations are fulfilled. It is considered essential in the interest of all employees, that they should observe and maintain the safety standards as laid down in this Policy. The Company also recognises its obligation to customers, subcontractors and members of the public. STG will ensure that measures, where necessary, will be taken to maintain their health & safety. Management and staff will be required to co-operate to maintain the health & safety at work of the workforce by observation of agreed practices and procedures for improved standards of protection for all persons. Health and Safety must be regarded as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels. Therefore management will:
- Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and all subsequent and relevant statutory requirements.
- Carry out suitable risk assessments of all and tasks carried out (to include the risks from noise, manual handling and exposure to chemicals and substances etc).
- Provide safety training, information and instruction as required for all employees, subcontractors etc, as appropriate.
- Provide all necessary safety devices, protective, equipment and supervise their use.
- Maintain a constant and continuing interest in all aspects of safety, in particular by introducing and monitoring safety procedures, wherever possible. All staff have a duty to co-operate fully in the operation of this Policy by:
- Working safely and efficiently, complying with any instruction, information & training in accordance with all company procedures and statutory obligations.
- Immediately reporting incidents (including accidents, near misses, which have resulted in, or may lead to injury).
- Assisting with the investigation of accidents and aiding the introduction of measures to prevent a recurrence.
The Policy has the full support and total commitment of STG (Projects) Ltd, and will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes.